Thursday, September 27, 2007

Being your own best friend

You can be your own best friend by:

Taking care of your mental, emotional and basic physical needs

Taking time out for yourself when you need it

Removing and extracting yourself from stress and overload

Being able to say no when you have had enough

Treating yourself as well as you treat others

Work on improving who you are on a daily basis

Asking for help and support from other friends when you need it

Being patience with yourself

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Decision Making

Decisions making is what makes us human. We all make choices and take chances. I guess that is what makes us who we are.

Looking back on today, I did not have too many set choices or appointments. It was a day, relatively free, to do as I pleased. I was able to take a few phone calls, visit a few of my favorite blogs and venture into new territory, as well as catch up on some paper work.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Recess is a big part of your day when you are in elementary school. For some it can be a highlight and others a real chore. You get to run around, meet with friends or in some cases get a snack out from the lunch box. Schools differ on approach and I am sure if you studied recess patterns you would find broad interpretations of this special time.

In the classic office situation the recess is formally known as "break". It is a great time to walk around the building, just get away from your desk and go schmooze with a colleague who is also breaking. However not all individuals work in structured settings with defined breaks.

In adult life we need to make and take our own recesses. So no matter what we are doing in life, studying, caring(for loved ones - young or old), working or just living, we need to make a series of recesses in our own day.

For me my recess(es) occur several times throughout the day. In the morning I sip my coffee in quite solitude, in early evening I walk my dog, and late evening is reading an entertaining (FOR FUN ONLY) fiction book before bed.

The week of September 24 - 28, 2007 is Rescuing Recess Week -This special week is to encourage elementary schools to include recess in their day. Visit Rescuing Recess for more information.

Hooray for Recess!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Keep Green and Growing

Many years ago, a mentor of mine gave me a plant and said "Keep Green and Growing". This advice seems to speak to me especially at the start of each September. September, after all, is the month of sharpened pencils, fresh notebooks and the fresh start drive to learn something new.

Make education a part of your life by reading, exploring new ideas and trends. Sharpen your writing skills by evaluating your past written materials. Can you upgrade your writing or be more concise? Evaluation is as much a part of learning as is exploring new things.

In terms of growing and green, this September I began my taking some cuttings off my boxwood hedge, with the hopes of starting a new plant. I will get to see if it takes root and if my green thumb awakens.