Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Beyond the Goal

What happens when you reach your goal? While many Transition Your Life readers may not see the end or their destination at hand, I think discussing how one faces or handles this is of some importance.

When you reach your goal,  this is definitely when we need to first celebrate and savor in the moment of glory. This is something we should not miss.

Secondly, we need to appreciate what we or others did to help make the goal achievable. Very few journeys are journeys of one.  Sometimes upon reflection we realize others helped shape us and made contributions in ways we could not imagine. This might be the high school teacher, the motivational speaker, the neighbor down the road who always gave you a smile.

Thirdly , once the momentum of arrival and completion has slowed, I believe we need to ask ourselves some questions relating to the accomplishment of the goal. Making an immediate evaluation of what we have done has some value, but when the goal or achievement is monumental, I think taking a few weeks to ponder this might be the best choice.

Reaching your goal is a achievement which takes lots of effort and stamina. Give yourself some congratulations and savor your success.

This is a slightly revised best of post from 2010.

1 comment:

Fred said...

I think everything Terry says is right on target when we reach our goal, especially monumental ones, but I'd like to add that we really need to take time to formally thank those who have helped us. My boss retired this month after almost 40 years, and to celebrate her reaching this goal many of us - her coworkers and friends - joined forces to really give her a memorable retirement party. I really didn't expect anything, but to my surprise she wrote a nice thank you note to everyone who was involved. So I think for proper closure after reaching a goal, we need to formally recognize and thank those who helped us reach the goal.