Monday, December 31, 2012


Today I completed my 100 books challenge using Good Reads to record my progress. While I certainly enjoyed the variety of books, I think I will set my challenge for 2013 to be 75 books. I also want to add in about 5 more books from the BBC list.

What are your reading plans for 2013?

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Almost There

I have been on a reading challenge this past year - To Read 100 books. I am happy to say I am at 99 books and I have the final one almost half done. This reading challenge has been enlightening in so many ways.

I have always been a reader and reading is something I love. So this made this challenge fun. I did try a variety of different books from my normal choices. At times I read anything that had an interesting looking cover, other times I looked for comfortable sized books to read in between some supper long books to rest my hands. I did read a few books electronically and started one audio book (not yet finished) on my IPhone.

Getting near the deadline is exciting. Getting done for the deadline is special. I will keep you updated on my progress.

Now is the time to choose a challenge for 2013. Do you have any challenge ideas for yourself or maybe you have a suggestion for me?

Friday, December 21, 2012

Ahead or Behind?

There are days when we think we are "ahead" and days when we are falling "behind". On the best of days we are right where we are suppose to be.

Here are some strategies to help you: 

When you are Ahead

First, mentally acknowledge yourself for being at the "ahead" stage rather than the "behind" phase. Second, take some time to build in a well earned break. Third, review the elements of your success. Sometimes we have developed new skills that have allowed us to move forward. Glean these as takeaways for the future.

When you are Behind

First take a deep breath, acknowledge where you are. Realize that this will not be forever.Second, spend some time working on strategies. How you might speed up, or move your project along? Sometimes we have to pull out of other unnecessary or less important activities to reach a project goal.Third, seek help. Many times we fall behind because we fail to enlist help. Sometimes that is what we need to move forward.

This is a best of post from 2010.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Resizing Your World

When in transition we often shrink our daily contacts down to the less stressful, more peaceful ones. We do this for self protection and to also help make our days calmer. Going through transition takes peace, quiet and often solitude.

Transition is a time to try new things and acquaint ourselves with new people and new ideas. Finding new people isn't always that easy but often times this is when we go back to our roots and seek out those who meant something to us in terms of friendship and personal and professional development. This needs to be done selectively and carefully. Missteps are abound here if you don't set personal boundaries with yourself on this adventure.

Resizing your world takes time and careful thought. Sometimes it time to shrink the contact list and other times it is time to grow and expand the list.

Whatever time it is for you, take it careful and slow. Remember Rome wasn't built in a day.

This is a best of post from 2007.