Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Recess is a big part of your day when you are in elementary school. For some it can be a highlight and others a real chore. You get to run around, meet with friends or in some cases get a snack out from the lunch box. Schools differ on approach and I am sure if you studied recess patterns you would find broad interpretations of this special time.

In the classic office situation the recess is formally known as "break". It is a great time to walk around the building, just get away from your desk and go schmooze with a colleague who is also breaking. However not all individuals work in structured settings with defined breaks.

In adult life we need to make and take our own recesses. So no matter what we are doing in life, studying, caring(for loved ones - young or old), working or just living, we need to make a series of recesses in our own day.

For me my recess(es) occur several times throughout the day. In the morning I sip my coffee in quite solitude, in early evening I walk my dog, and late evening is reading an entertaining (FOR FUN ONLY) fiction book before bed.

The week of September 24 - 28, 2007 is Rescuing Recess Week -This special week is to encourage elementary schools to include recess in their day. Visit Rescuing Recess for more information.

Hooray for Recess!

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