Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Small Steps to Getting Things Done

Getting started is often the hardest part of any task. Think about some "small steps" you can do to get part of the process or project done.

One of the ways to view the task in today's modern world is to decide if your task involves Electronic Communication Activities or Non-Electronic Communications Activities.  By determining this you can set the stage to begin your task. You can also steer yourself away from the electronic distractions which are more of a tendency to increase procrastination. 

Electronic Communication Activities 
  • Turn on the computer or phone
  • Mentally draft an outline of the conversation or email/test before you actually begin
  • Look up a phone number or email in your files
  • Get into a blank document  (if you have to draft a letter) or set up an email or text
  • Start typing or speaking

Conversly if you don't have a "screen" or electronic task at hand, you can consider using this list of steps:

Non-Electronic Communications Activities
  • Turn off the computer
  • Turn off the cell or mobile phone
  • Visualize or decide what needs to be done first
  • Get out the tools you need to do the job
  • Go to the needed location 
  • Begin your process

1 comment:

Fred said...

Terry's recommendations on small steps may seem almost too simple, but if you are in the throes of procrastination these small steps are life savers! I have a small placard at home featuring a lovely dragonfly with this quote: "The Most Difficult Step of Any Journey is the First". I believe this to be the most true. Why? Because at first we completely lack momentum, and as a parallel to physics, it takes a lot of force or concentration to change modes and get something started and later done. Jeff Olson also wrote a book on this subject called "The Slight Edge". The basic premise of his concept is that the little things we do each day - either positive or negative - have little noticeable effect for just one day. But over time, these positive little steps become exponentially important in our success and happiness - and our ability to get things done. The little negative steps can concomitantly have a bad effect. So Terry gives wise counsel in focusing on the very smallest of steps to get started.